Build Variogram In R

Build Variogram In R. Author: Irawan, DE.1, Prabowo, K.1, and Akter, F.2, Vervoort, W.2 Affiliation: 1 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. 10, Bandung, 40132 2 Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, University of Sydney Biomedical Building, Australian Technology Park, NSW 2015 a)Irawan, DE: [email protected] Abstract: Quantitative-spatial analysis has been applied to 295 samples of shallow groundwater quality data from Bandung-Soreang Groundwater Basin (BSGwB) taken in 1997, 1998, 2007, 2010, and 2011. This paper discuss the use of variogram using geoR and generalised additive model (GAM) using mgcv R-package to identify the spatial distribution and mixing process betwee groundwater and Cikapundung river water. The variograms show significant water quality trend in north-south direction, and in the direction to the Cikapundung River. From the GAM tests using gaussian and gamma family, some significant elements can be identified: (1) geological control from Fe, Mn, Na concentration; (2) agricultural control from NO2, NO3 concentration; and (3) other surficial control from EC, CO3, CO2, SO4 concentration. Both analysis suggest the close interaction between groundwater and river water and the occurrence of mixing between both.
Bibliographies: 'MS Excel' – Grafiati

Qi, Yan, Ryan Fries, Shambhu Saran Baral, and Pranesh Biswas. Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Snow Fences in Illinois: Phase 2.
To achieve the best snow-control effects, the ideal locations for snow fences are usually outside the roadway right-of-way. Few efforts have been made to examine the economic efficiency of snow fences and explore ways to reward private landowners. The objective of this project was to develop methodologies for evaluation of the costs and benefits of snow fences in Illinois and identify ways to encourage private landowners’ participation in the snow fence program while keeping it cost-effective.
The survey results suggested that standing corn rows (SCRs) and structural snow fences (SSFs) were the least intrusive options for landowners and living snow fences (LSFs) with trees were the most intrusive. Some concerns related to LSFs could be reduced by allowing landowners to play a role in the design and plant-selection process. Although SCRs have the highest benefit-cost ratio, the need to renew the agency-landowner agreement annually and the alternating of crops planted may limit their snow-control effectiveness and large-scale implementation. A tool was developed using MS Excel to facilitate the benefit-cost analysis of snow fences.
Model-model Variogram

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